Educators have a very close relationship with students in the learning process in class. In learning in the classroom the educator is the party who can supervise all student activities, thus the character of students can be formed with the participation of educators in learning. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of educator participation in shaping the character of students in MA Sejahtera Pare. The method used in this study is correlation with a quantitative approach, sampling is done with the slovin formula using the Accidental Sampling method, with a total of 35 students as respondents. Data collection techniques with questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study show that there is an influence of educator participation in shaping the character of students, seen from the Product Moment coefficient test it produces "????????????" or "????????" with a value of 0.441, this is greater than "????????" at a significant level of 5% = 0.344 and significant 1% = 0.442. Thus it can be seen that "????????" > "????????" either at the 5% or 1% level. Then the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted or approved, while the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected or not approved. Based on the numbers that the author put forward, there is an influence of educator participation in shaping the character of students. If educators can guide and model good and correct behavior and are supported by other factors, then this can help students in the process of forming the right character.
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